Evaluation of Applying Restorative Justice in Post-Hearing Level in Non-Governmental Terrorism

Mir Masood Farzaneh1
1University, Karaj, Iran

The goals of restorative justice in encountering offenders are, returning to the society with a feeling of embarrassment and accepting the responsibilities of his/her crimes. Although, avoiding reoccurrence of crime in future and healing the effects of crime through some actions like mediation, which is a chance for both sides to discuss the crime, are also targeting in restorative justice. According to the researches across the world, by the advocates of restorative justice, the agreements of this type are 70 to 100 percent effective, while the success of the criminal justice approach is about 40 to 60 percent (A. shiri, 2017, p 334). The researcher used library and fieldwork methodology to analyze the punitive policies of and judicial of Turkey in facing criminals, managers and activities of Kurdistan labor party (P.K.K) from 1983 to 2013 who are terrorists according to European Union and 15 other countries such as Iran, and evaluate consequences of changing classical criminal justice from strict punishments (executions) and blaming (traitor to the country, legal matter number 25), to restorative justice and agreements in post-hearing level and discounts of punishments (Apo trial, June 1999) which were under influence of international, national and local pressures. As an answer to the consequences of these changes, researcher can mention the decrease of the numbers of the dead staff of military officers of Turkey from 1145 officers in 1994, to 3 officers in 2013, or the change in struggles from terrorism to civic and cultural acts in post-hearing level (Erdogan and Apo meeting in prison, December 2012). These changes led to new relations between both sides and put an end to the bloody quarrels which lasted for many years. At last, the researcher analyzes the relation between quantitative and qualitative terrorism acts and security of Turkey and its effects in attracting tourists and how 5389308 tourists in 1990 increased to 34910098 in 2013.

Mir Masood Farzaneh is 28 years old MA. student in the field of Criminology. He is currently director of Araz Law Instituted, newly founded in Tehran.