Approaching ‘controlled delivery’ to combat drug trafficking: A Vietnam perspective

Dr Hai Luong1
1Rmit University, Kingsbury, Australia

The technique of controlled delivery, is used when a shipment of illicit drugs is detected and allowed to go forward under the control and surveillance of law enforcement officers to secure evidence prove illicit drug traffic’ syndicates, is not new tactics to combat drug trafficking. It has been proved effective in some countries, more particularly with cross-border nations, in identifying and investigating to organizational structure and modus operandi of these rings. To date, although Vietnam has signed and ratified the 1988 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances since 1997, its implementations are still facing with potential challenges, particularly with counterparts from their neighboured borderland countries. With a view to exploring the nature of this technique in Vietnam, I argue that controlled delivery will be contributed and played a significant role to improve effectiveness international cooperation between Vietnam and other countries, particularly with common borders.  Based on legal policies of Vietnam’s government as primary sources and case studies in combating transnational drugs trafficking of drug law enforcement agencies as secondary data, the study makes clearly the Vietnam’s policies to regulate this technique with its scopes and to apply it into the reality of cooperating between drug law enforcement agencies of Vietnam and their partnership. Some main implications in theories and practice to employ this issue, particularly when Vietnam and the rest of Southeast Asian nations are moving forward on 2020 with ‘Free Zone Drugs’, will be also recommended and waited for further research in the future.


Dr. Hai Thanh Luong graduated Bachelor of Law in Vietnam’s University since 2004 and spent continuously around ten years in law enforcement agencies with both lecturing and practicing’ activities. In 2010, he awarded Australian scholarship and achieved Master for Transnational Crime Prevention at University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia before achieved Doctoral tittle at School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University. His interests of areas are focus on border crime, transnational organized crime in Asia, drug trafficking, policing and police training. At the current time, Dr Hai hold an Honorary Principal Research Fellow at the Social and Global Studies Centre, RMIT University.