The Wild, Wild West:  What Will it Take for America to Lose Its Love Affair With Guns?  

Elizabeth Athaide-Victor1, Jessica Iffland1, Margaret Tuite1, Sarah Devyn Trifari1
1Tiffin University

In the wake of so many high profile shootings and gun violence in general, many in the U.S. are calling for stricter gun control legislation.  This has been met with great resistance and has become a hot button issue.  Organizations such as the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups have come under fire for their staunch support of free access to firearms.  While there are shooting almost daily in the U.S., few remedies have been seriously implemented.  Assessing the success of policies that have been undertaken have met with mixed results.  The widespread publicity of the Las Vegas and Parkland shootings have given voice to vocal groups calling for remedies.  In two studies, a pilot study, and main study, various parts of this issue were examined:  First, knowledge and attitudes regarding firearms in the U.S. were examined in a 2×2 factorial, between persons, non-repeated measures design. The main study examined political affiliation, gun ownership status, and gender in a mixed factor 2x2x2 factorial, non-repeated measures design. Part of the results included an interview section for mass shooting remedies.